Sewing ยป Baby shoes

Baby shoes

Small shoes of white satin with felt insole for baby doll.
Size 10 centimeters.
Baby shoes


Cut the cloth. The seam allowance is 0.4cm.
Felt is smaller than the sole a little.
Other materials are lace and ribbon.

>> Pattern of shoes.

Proccess of making

Sew up the back of the instep. Place a short ribbon on the seam and stitch it.
Stitch the hem of the instep folding the margin inside.

Sew the instep to the sole.
Hand-stitch the felt insole to the sole.
Sew to the soleInsole

Stitch the lace and ribbons.

Why not make felt shoes of puppy face?
Puppy shoes


Baby cape / Baby dress / Baby bonnet / Baby shoes / Baby mittens / Bib
Polo shirt / Sweatshirt / Sundress
Kid's cap / Reversible hat / Tulip hat / Flat cap / Knit cap
Cloth gloves
Panda apron / Slippers / Indoor boots / Socks / Night vest
Shopping bag / Pouch / Felt cake

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