Hanty Panty » Basic hanty making » For beginners

For beginners

If you are not good at sewing, it may be difficult to make basic hanty.
Because the front part is divided.
Plain pants

You need not use a handkerchief.
There are lots of types of cloth. Choose one.
I recommend non-stretch thin cotton cloth for beginners.


SquareSimple and plain pants
Very simple, no lace.

Stretch pants

If you use stretch fabric like T-shirt, it will fit you and comfortable.

Here are cotton jersey underwear with stretch lace.
Using the same pattern of hanty.

See the process of sewing in the page of Big soft panty.
Stretch pants

Make the length long and cut the front V.
V shorts

Sew triangle lace to the front.
Front lace pants

Hanty gallery
Basic hanty making
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Big soft panty

Lowrise fit pants
High leg
Lace underwear

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Swimsuit for kid
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